A girl who knows what she wants. She is very bold and gets to the point. Helene's tend to be very shy about their feelings toward others. They tend to get what they've been looking for and they have amazing taste in guys. If you have something to say to them say it straight up because they are very slow and miss big hints. Helene's are one of the top 5 sexiest creatures on earth. When you have a chance with one take it!
"This girl gave me head last night!"
"It was an Helene wasn't it?"
Sunniva, the sex kitten:
In modern times however a person named Sunniva is often associated with a feminine, sexual and curvaceous woman. Sunniva can also be defined as someone who has a lot of sexual knowledge.
-First Person:"Wow, look at that beautiful, curvaceous woman!"
-Second Person:"Yes, she's a real Sunniva, huh?"
Malene is a retard who always ends with enormous boyfriend with a little penis. He's a fat bastard and don't care about Malene. She is incredible beatiful, but doesent know it her self + she got enormous boobs! she's a real catch!!
- " Do you think her boobs are real? If they are, DAMN - that's Malene for sure!! "
a word for a high quality hooker
- i dont have any money, i spent it on a linn (her døydde eg... herregud)
Eg burde øve til matteprøve... men urbandictionary er FOR bra for det. Det ser kanskje ut som eg elskar meg sjølv sidan eg set inn ekstra masse fine og flotte fakta om meg... men hallo, alt det var skrive. SÅ, sånn er det. Eg ler, faktisk. Eg trur eg skal legge meg.

5 kommentarer:
hahahahahah! må sei eg dødde litt igjennom alt eg leste! men linn, det var morsomt!! hahhaha
At eg "got enormous boobs", det er jo så riktig som det går an. Flottttttt :D
Hahaha! Syns din var like genial egentlig.
Men jaaa, selfølgelig, det er jo virkelig sant det! No kan du vere fornøgd :)
AAAAAAAAAAH smerte!!!!!!!! ler meg ihjel :D:DDD
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=martine :D :D :D
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